Icings and fillings recipes ( Chocolate fudge icing - Royal icing )


Chocolate fudge icing


This icing develop a fudge like consistency when set, making a delicious filing and covering for chocolate or Madeira cakes. It thickens as it cools, so make sure you use it while it spreadable. If it does solidify before you’ve had a chance to use it, simply beat in a dash of hot water. It’s an easy recipe to double up on quantities if you’ve made a larger cake.

This quantity makes enough to cover a 15 cm (6 inch) round cake.


25g (1 oz) unsalted butter

15g ( ½ oz ) cocoa powder

175g (6 oz) icing sugar

2 tablespoons milk


Melt the butter in a small saucepan. Stir in the cocoa powder and cook, stirring constantly, for 30 seconds until smooth. Remove the pan from the heat and gradually stir in the icing sugar (no need to sift) and milk, mixing until smooth.


Return to the heat for 1 minute, stirring constantly until it has a glossy pouring consistency. Quickly spread the icing over the cakes while is still warm.


Royal icing


Royal icing hardens once it dries out. To compensate for this if you’re making a wedding or Christmas cake in advance, beat in a teaspoon of glycerine. If you’re not using the icing immediately, press a sheet of clingfilm directly over the surface of the icing to prevent a crust forming. This quantity make enough to cover a 20 cm (8 inch) round cake.


2 egg whites

500g (1 lb) icing sugar


Use a hand-held electric whisk to beat the egg whites in a large bowl with a little of the icing sugar until smooth.

Gradually whisk in the remaining icing sugar until the icing is softly peaking. You might not need all the icing suger.  

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