Cake - Happy birthday cupcakes recipe


Happy birthday cupcakes recipe


Makes 24 small cupcakes

Decoration time about 1 hour


18 cm (7 inch) bought or homemade square Madeira cake – click here to see

24 paper cake cases

Large rectangular board or tray

1 egg white

2 tablespoons lemon juice

500g (1 lb) icing sugar

Pink food colouring

Silver balls

6 small sugar flowers

Pink or white candles – optional


Cut any excess dome off the top of the cake. Cut the cake horizontally in half. From each half cut out 12 rectangles, each 4 cm (1 ¾ inches) long, and arrange them in paper cases in a rectangle on the board or tray.

Beat the egg white and lemon juice in a bowl with a little of the icing sugar. Gradually blend in the remainder to make a paste that just holds its shape. Turn half the mixture into a separate bowl and colour it pale pink. Spoon about 2 tablespoons of each colour into separate paper piping bags and snip off the tips so that the icing can be piped in a thick line.

Thin the remaining pink and white icing with a dash of water or extra lemon juice until each thickly coats the back of the spoon. Spoon each icing over the tops of half the cupcakes.

Use the icing in the bags, the silver balls and sugar flowers to decorate the tops of the cakes as illustrated, writing a name, a massage or an age if liked. Arrange candles around the edges of the cakes, if used and store in a cool place for up to 24 hours.



When you’re blending icing sugar with water or lemon juice, take care not to add too much liquid or the icing will make a big difference to the consistency of the icing.

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