Icings and fillings recipe


Icings and fillings

Some icings including butter cream and ganache are used both as a filling for a cake as a delicious coating. Others, such as ‘ready to roll’ icing are used only as a cake covering. Refer to the individual recipes for guidance.

Butter cream can be flavored ( see chart below ), but remember that coffee will alter the colour of the butter cream. Bear this in mind if you’re using it as a cake covering rather than as a filling.


Butter cream

Butter cream (or butter icing) has a delicious flavor and excellent texture and it is extremely versatile. For the best flavor use a good quality, unsalted butter and beat it thoroughly with the icing sugar so it’s easy to apply. Spread the cake with a thin layer of the butter cream first to stick the crumbs in place, which will make a manageable base for the rest of the butter cream. Freshly packed icing sugar is usually fine to use straight from the pack, but if you open it and it looks a bit lumpy, sift it first.


Beat the butter and a little of the icing sugar together in a bowl until smooth.

Gradually beat in the remaining icing sugar and hot water until pale and creamy.

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