cake - Chocolate wedding cake recipe


Chocolate wedding cake recipe


Serves 50

Decoration time 1 hour plus standing


15cm (6 inch), 20cm (8 inch) and 25cm (10 inch) round bought or homemade rich chocolate cakes – click here to see

Triple quantity dark chocolate ganache – click here to see

30cm (12 inch) round cake stand or glass platter

3 metres (10 feet) wired red ribbon, about 4cm (1 ½ inches) wide

3 metres (10 feet) wired lilac or cream ribbon, about 2.5cm (1 inch) wide

About 20 small, dried, red, pale green, lilac or cream coloured flowers


Step 1

Cut each cake in half horizontally. Use about a quarter of the ganache to sandwich them together.


Step 2

Place the largest cake on the cake stand or platter and cover it with a scant half of the ganache, swirling it in an even layer with a palette knife. Rest the medium-sized cake and spread with the remaining ganache. Leave the cake in a cool place for about 1 hour until the chocolate has firmed up slightly.

Step 3

Wrap the red ribbon around your hand and then uncoil it loosely around the cake starting at the top and working around the cake in a spiral to the bottom. Pressing the edge of the ribbon gently into the chocolate icing on the top tier should be sufficient to hold it in place. It can then be secured under the edge of the cake stand at the other end with a small piece of clear tape. Create the same effect with the narrower ribbon keeping the coil loose and informal.

Step 4

Tuck the flowers in groups of 2 – 3 among the coils of ribbon decoration.



Before covering the cake layers with ganache drizzle them with an orange or coffee liqueur or with brandy. Allow about 4 tablespoon for the top tier, 100ml (3 ½ fl oz) for the middle tier and 150ml ( ¼ pint) for the bottom tier.

If you want to make the cake in advance, assemble it to the end of step 2 and store overnight in a cool place. Add the flowers and ribbons the following day.

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cake - Rich chocolate cake recipe


Rich chocolate cake recipe


Put the cocoa powder in a bowl and gradually whisk in the boiling water until smooth. Leave to cool.

Beat together the butter and sugar until they are creamy. Gradually beat in the eggs, a little at a time, adding a little of the flour to prevent curdling. Sift the remaining flour over the bowl with the baking powder. Use a large metal spoon to fold in the flour. Stir in the cocoa mixture.

Turn the mixture into the prepared tin. Bake in a preheated oven, 180`C (350`F), gas mark 4 for the time stated in the chart or until the crust is just firm. For a good moist texture the centre of the cake should have a very slight wobble when it comes out of the oven.


Leave to cool in the tin, then wrap and store for up to 3 days in a cool place of freeze.

0 Reviews:

Cake - Summer celebration cake


Summer celebration cake recipe


Serves 28

Decoration time 45 minutes plus chilling


15cm (6 inch) and 20 cm (8 inch) round bought or homemade rich chocolate cake - click here to see

25 cm (10 inch) round platter

Double quantity white chocolate ganache – click here to see

375g (12 oz) white chocolate

500g (1 lb) soft fruits (e.g. strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and redcurrants)

100g (3 ½ oz) redcurrant jelly


Put the larger cake on the platter. Use a palette knife to spread two – thirds of the ganache over the top and sides. Position the smaller cake on top and cover it with the remaining ganache.

Break the chocolate into small pieces and put them in a bowl over a pan of gently simmering water. Leave until the chocolate has melted. Use a piece of string to measure the circumference of the cakes and 2 cm (¾ inch) deeper.

Spread the melted chocolate over each strip of paper to within 1 cm ( ½ inch) of the ends and almost to the edges. Leave for 1-2 minutes until the chocolate has cooled slightly (but not started to set), then wrap the short strip around the small cake and the longer strip around the larger cake, paper side out.

Chill the cakes for about 30 – 60 minutes or until the chocolate is brittle, then carefully peel away the paper. Pile the fruits over the top of each cake, letting the redcurrant sprigs spill slightly over the sides.

To glaze the fruits melt the redcurrant jelly with 1 tablespoon water until smooth. Use a pastry brush to coat the fruits evenly with the mixture.



For an even more intense chocolaty experience make up an extra quantity of chocolate ganache and use it to sandwich the cakes together in 3 layers.

An extra pair of hands will make the job of wrapping the collar around the larger cake easier.

0 Reviews:

Cake - Happy birthday cupcakes recipe


Happy birthday cupcakes recipe


Makes 24 small cupcakes

Decoration time about 1 hour


18 cm (7 inch) bought or homemade square Madeira cake – click here to see

24 paper cake cases

Large rectangular board or tray

1 egg white

2 tablespoons lemon juice

500g (1 lb) icing sugar

Pink food colouring

Silver balls

6 small sugar flowers

Pink or white candles – optional


Cut any excess dome off the top of the cake. Cut the cake horizontally in half. From each half cut out 12 rectangles, each 4 cm (1 ¾ inches) long, and arrange them in paper cases in a rectangle on the board or tray.

Beat the egg white and lemon juice in a bowl with a little of the icing sugar. Gradually blend in the remainder to make a paste that just holds its shape. Turn half the mixture into a separate bowl and colour it pale pink. Spoon about 2 tablespoons of each colour into separate paper piping bags and snip off the tips so that the icing can be piped in a thick line.

Thin the remaining pink and white icing with a dash of water or extra lemon juice until each thickly coats the back of the spoon. Spoon each icing over the tops of half the cupcakes.

Use the icing in the bags, the silver balls and sugar flowers to decorate the tops of the cakes as illustrated, writing a name, a massage or an age if liked. Arrange candles around the edges of the cakes, if used and store in a cool place for up to 24 hours.



When you’re blending icing sugar with water or lemon juice, take care not to add too much liquid or the icing will make a big difference to the consistency of the icing.

0 Reviews:

Icings and fillings recipes ( Chocolate fudge icing - Royal icing )


Chocolate fudge icing


This icing develop a fudge like consistency when set, making a delicious filing and covering for chocolate or Madeira cakes. It thickens as it cools, so make sure you use it while it spreadable. If it does solidify before you’ve had a chance to use it, simply beat in a dash of hot water. It’s an easy recipe to double up on quantities if you’ve made a larger cake.

This quantity makes enough to cover a 15 cm (6 inch) round cake.


25g (1 oz) unsalted butter

15g ( ½ oz ) cocoa powder

175g (6 oz) icing sugar

2 tablespoons milk


Melt the butter in a small saucepan. Stir in the cocoa powder and cook, stirring constantly, for 30 seconds until smooth. Remove the pan from the heat and gradually stir in the icing sugar (no need to sift) and milk, mixing until smooth.


Return to the heat for 1 minute, stirring constantly until it has a glossy pouring consistency. Quickly spread the icing over the cakes while is still warm.


Royal icing


Royal icing hardens once it dries out. To compensate for this if you’re making a wedding or Christmas cake in advance, beat in a teaspoon of glycerine. If you’re not using the icing immediately, press a sheet of clingfilm directly over the surface of the icing to prevent a crust forming. This quantity make enough to cover a 20 cm (8 inch) round cake.


2 egg whites

500g (1 lb) icing sugar


Use a hand-held electric whisk to beat the egg whites in a large bowl with a little of the icing sugar until smooth.

Gradually whisk in the remaining icing sugar until the icing is softly peaking. You might not need all the icing suger.  

0 Reviews:

Icings and fillings ( Ganache recipes )



Ganache is one of the most luxurious of all the icing, a pure blend of velvety smooth chocolate and cream. Once made it’ll need 15 – 30 minutes to thicken up before use, but keep an eye on it because it will gradually become too thick to use. This quantity makes enough to cover a 20 cm (8 inch) round cake.


Dark chocolate ganache


300 ml ( ½ pint) double cream

300g (10 oz) good quality dark chocolate, chopped


Heat the cream in a medium, heavy – based saucepan until it is bubbling around the edge. Remove from the heat and stir in the chopped chocolate.

Leave to stand until the chocolate has melted. Turn the mixture into a bowl and chill until the ganache is cool enough to hold is shape. The cooling time will depend on the temperature the cream is heated to. As a guide, check after about 15 minutes, although it might take 30 – 40 minutes.


White chocolate ganache


300 ml ( ½ pint ) double cream

300g (10 oz) good quality white chocolate, chopped


Heat the cream in a medium, heavy – based saucepan until it is bubbling around the edge. Remove from the heat and stir in the chocolate.

Leave to stand until the chocolate has melted. Turn the mixture into a bowl and chill for about 15 minutes until cold.

Stir in the remaining cream and whisk with a hand – held electric whisk until the ganache just holds its shape. Don’t over-whisk the mixture or the cream will start to curdle.

0 Reviews:

Icings and fillings recipe


Icings and fillings

Some icings including butter cream and ganache are used both as a filling for a cake as a delicious coating. Others, such as ‘ready to roll’ icing are used only as a cake covering. Refer to the individual recipes for guidance.

Butter cream can be flavored ( see chart below ), but remember that coffee will alter the colour of the butter cream. Bear this in mind if you’re using it as a cake covering rather than as a filling.


Butter cream

Butter cream (or butter icing) has a delicious flavor and excellent texture and it is extremely versatile. For the best flavor use a good quality, unsalted butter and beat it thoroughly with the icing sugar so it’s easy to apply. Spread the cake with a thin layer of the butter cream first to stick the crumbs in place, which will make a manageable base for the rest of the butter cream. Freshly packed icing sugar is usually fine to use straight from the pack, but if you open it and it looks a bit lumpy, sift it first.


Beat the butter and a little of the icing sugar together in a bowl until smooth.

Gradually beat in the remaining icing sugar and hot water until pale and creamy.

0 Reviews:

Madeira cake recipe


Madeira cake recipe


Using a wooden spoon or electric whisk, cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. Lightly beat the eggs with the milk in a separate bowl. Gradually beat the eggs and milk into the creamed mixture, alternating with the flour.

Turn the mixture into the prepared tin and level the surface. Bake in a preheated oven, 160`C  (325`F), gas mark 3, for the time indicated in the chart or until a skewer, inserted in the centre, comes out cleanly. Leave the cake in the tin for 10 minutes, then transfer it to a wire rack to cool.

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Cake - Vase of flowers recipe


Vase of flowers cake recipe

4 – Egg quantity Madeira cake mixture - click here to see 

Double quantity butter cream - click here to see

Square plate

Icing sugar, for dusting

750g (1 ½ lb) deep red ready – to – roll icing

Small bunch dried roses

Plenty of raffia


1) Turn the cake mixture into a greased and lined cake tin, 20cm (8inches) square, and level the surface. Bake in a preheated oven, 160`C (325`F), gas mark 3, for about 45 minutes or until just firm and a skewer, inserted in the centre comes out clean. Leave to cool.

2) Slice the domed surface off the top of the cake and cut into 4 equal pieces. Use half the butter cream to stack the cakes together. Transfer the cake to the plate and spread the remaining butter cream over the top and sides with a palette knife.

3) Dust your work surface with icing sugar and roll out the red icing. Cut out 4 rectangles, each 1 cm (1/2 inch) longer than the depth of the cake and 11 cm (4 ½ inch) wide. Position a rectangle against each side off the cake, dampening the edges with a paintbrush so they stick together.

4) Cut the rose stems to 5 cm ( 2 inches ) long and wrap the ends in Clingfilm or foil. Press them into the top of the cake. Leave the icing to harden for a couple of hours or overnight, then wrap the raffia loosely around the sides of the cake.


Serves 12

Preparation and cooking time about 1 hour

Decoration time 20 minutes




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30 – Minute meals - recipes ( Grilled lime and pepper ocean trout )


Grilled lime and pepper ocean trout recipe


2 teaspoons finely grated lime rind

½ teaspoon cracked black pepper

2 tablespoons olive oil

2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh chives

4 (720g) ocean trout cutlets

1 large red onion (300g)

2 medium limes (160g)


Combine rind, pepper, oil and chives in large bowl, add fish, and turn to coat in mixture.

Cut onion and limes into wedges. Char – grill (or grill or barbecue) fish, onion and lime, until onion and lime are browned and fish is browned both sides and just cooked through serve fish with onion and lime.


FAT: 1328KJ

0 Reviews:

30 – Minute meals - recipe ( Blackened fish with lemon butter )


Blackened fish with lemon butter recipe

4 (800g) firm white fish cutlets

20g butter, melted

1 teaspoon garlic salt

2 teaspoons cracked black pepper

½ teaspoon sweet paprika

1 ½ teaspoons dried thyme leaves


Lemon butter

60g butter, melted

1 green onion, sliced thinly

1 tablespoon lemon juice


Brush both sides of fish with butter, sprinkle evenly with combined remaining ingredients.

Barbecue (or grill or char-grill) fish, until browned both sides and just cooked through.

Serve fish drizzled with lemon butter.

Lemon butter combine ingredients in small bowl.


FAT: 1500KJ



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30 – Minute meals - recipes ( Asian-style chicken noodle soup )


Asian-style chicken noodle soup recipe


1 tablespoon peanut oil

500g chicken thigh fillets, sliced thinly

2 teaspoons grated fresh ginger

100g shiitake mushrooms, sliced thinly

1.5 litres (6 cups) chicken stock

2 cups (500ml) water

1 tablespoon soy sauce

½ teaspoon sesame oil

¼ cup (35g) cornflour

¼ cup (60ml) water, extra

85g packet instant noodles

130g can corn kernels, drained

130g can creamed corn

6 green onions, chopped finely


Heat peanut oil in large saucepan, cook chicken, in batches, until browned lightly.

Add ginger and mushrooms, cook, stirring until fragrant. Add stock, the water, sauce and sesame oil.

Stir in blended cornflour  and extra water, cook , stirring until soup boils and thickens. Break noodles in half , add to soup with both types of corn and onion. Simmer, uncovered, about 2 minutes or until noodles are tender.



FAT: 1607KJ



0 Reviews:

30 – Minute meals - recipe ( Creamy mushroom and bacon pasta sauce )


Creamy mushroom and bacon pasta sauce


250g fusilli pasta

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 medium brown onion (150g), chopped finely

4 bacon rashers, sliced thinly

2 tablespoons pine nuts

250g button mushrooms, sliced thinly

½ cup (125ml) sour cream

1 egg, beaten lightly

¼ cup (20g) finely grated parmesan cheese

¼ cup finely chopped fresh parsley



Cook pasta in large saucepan of boiling water, uncovered, until just tender drain.

Meanwhile, heat oil in large frying pan, cook onion, bacon and pine nuts, stirring ,until onion is soft. Add mushrooms, cook, stirring, until mushrooms are soft. Stir in remaining ingredients, stir over low heat until heated through. Serve sauce over pasts.


FAT: 2225KJ

0 Reviews:

30 – Minute meals - recipes (Salami pizza with garlic pizza crusts)


Salami pizza with garlic pizza crusts recipe

2 large frozen pizza bases

¼ cup (60ml) tomato paste

1 clove garlic, crushed

2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh basil leaves

1 small brown onion (80g), sliced thinly

50g sliced salami, cut into thin strips

1 stick cabanossi (125g), sliced thinly

½ cup (60g) seeded black olives

1 cup (100g) coarsely grated mozzarella  cheese

1 cup (125g) coarsely grated cheddar cheese

30g butter, softened

4 cloves garlic, crushed, extra


Place pizza bases on oven trays, spread one base with combined paste, garlic and basil.

Top with onion, salami, cabanossi and olives.

Sprinkle with half of the combined mozzarella and cheddar. Bake in hot oven about 20 minutes or until crisp.

Meanwhile, spread remaining base with combined butter and extra garlic; sprinkle with remaining cheeses, bake in hot oven about 15 minutes or until browned.

Sprinkle salami pizza with extra fresh basil leaves, if desired.


FAT: 3274KJ


0 Reviews:

30 – Minute meals - recipes (Satay chicken burgers)


Satay chicken burgers


1 long loaf Turkish pide

750g minced chicken

1 cup (70g) stale breadcrumbs

¼ cup finely chopped fresh coriander leaves

2/3 cup (160ml) satay sauce

1 large carrot (180g), peeled

1lebanese cucumber (130g)

1 cup (250ml) yogurt


Quarter pide width ways, cut each piece in half horizontally. Place pieces, cut-side up, on oven tray’ toast, on both sides, under heated grill, until browned lightly.

 Combine chicken, breadcrumbs, coriander and half of the sauce in medium bowl; shape into four patties. Cook in large heated oiled frying pan until browned both sides and cooked through.

Meanwhile, using a vegetable peeler, slice carrot and cucumber into thin strips.

Top each of the pide bases with a burger, equal amounts of carrot and cucumber strips, and combined yogurt and remaining sauce.


FAT: 3379KJ

0 Reviews:

30 – Minute meals - recipes (Turkish lamb)


Turkish lamb with spinach and pine nuts


1 tablespoon olive oil

½ cup (80g) pine nuts

750g minced lamb

2 large brown onions (400g), chopped finely

2 cloves garlic, crushed

4 Birdseye chilies, seeded, chopped finely

1tablespoon ground coriander

1 tablespoon ground cumin

500g spinach trimmed, chopped coarsely

¼ cup finely chopped fresh mint leaves

4 large pitta breads

300ml yogurt

1 tablespoon lemon juice


Heat half of the oil in large frying pan; cook pine nuts, stirring, until browned lightly. Drain on absorbent paper.

Cook lamb in same pan, in batches, until browned.

Heat remaining oil in same pan; cook onion, garlic, chilly, coriander and cumin until onion is browned lightly. Return lamb to pan with nuts, spinach and mint; cook, stirring, until spinach is just wilted.

Divide lamb mixture among pitta; serve with combined yogurt and juice.


FAT: 3431KJ

0 Reviews:

30 – Minute meals - recipes (Chicken Cacciatore)

Chicken Cacciatore


2 tablespoons olive oil

8 (1.3kg) chicken thigh cutlets

2 cloves garlic, crushed

4 medium tomatoes (760g), peeled, seeded, sliced thinly

2 tablespoons brown sugar

1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar

¼ cup (30g) seeded black olives, sliced thinly

2 tablespoones finely shredded fresh basil leaves


Heat oil in large frying pan; cook chicken, in batches, until browned both sides and cooked through. Drain on absorbent paper; cover.

Add garlic to same pan; cook, stirring, until soft. Add tomato, sugar, vinegar and olives; cook, stirring, until sugar dissolves. Simmer, uncovered, about 5 minutes or until tomato sauce thickens. Serve chicken topped with tomato sauce, sprinkled with basil.


FAT: 2932KJ

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